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National anthem before Odia Jatra after Supreme Court’s order

The Supreme Court ordered that national anthem must be played in all cinema halls in India before a film is screened and everyone present in the halls must stand to pay respect to it.

Jatra Indrabhubana becomes the first Odia Jatra Party to take an initiative to play national anthem before start of its each play. Jatra audience of Odisha also supporting the move.

Now more Odia Jatra parties may follow the initiative. Now all halls are playing the national anthem before screening the film. The moviegoers hailed the court decision.

“Now, we can get a chance to listen the anthem at the cinema halls. It’s a wonderful thing. It will create patriotism among us. I can stand for the anthem,” a college student said.

“If somebody will not obey the rule and sit or giggle during the playing of anthem, it will be taken as disrespect to the anthem. What steps can be taken to stop it? It’s a good move, but awareness is needed,” he added.

“I have seen people silently stand up when we play the anthem. I felt so happy when a person alerted a man (busy in eating Lays) inside the hall to stand up for the purpose. Gradually it will become a practice for the movie-goers,” another student said.

Watch the video of National anthem playing in Odia Jatra below.

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