Home > Video > Comedy > Papu as Chora comedy in ‘Ding Dung Excuse Me’ episode 6

Papu as Chora comedy in ‘Ding Dung Excuse Me’ episode 6

Papu Pom Pom is playing a thief (chora) character in episode 6 of ‘Ding Dung Excuse Me’.

In this comedy-satire show of Tarang TV, Papu came to Shakti Baral’s house and claimed that he is a thief and told his story.

He said that he went to a Ladies hostel yesterday and found some alcohol bottles there. He drank those and fell asleep. Now police is after him and he wanted to hide in this house.

Watch Papu Pam Pam comedy in Ding Dung Excuse Me 6th episode full video from Tarang TV channel here.

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