Ghantakarna Mahavir mantra in Odia
Ghantakarna Mahavir mantra in Odia benefits, stotra meaning in Hindi, lyrics in English, and pdf available here. MP3 download is not available. Chant this mantra 21 times daily. You will get relief from all your problems.
Lord Ghantakarna Mahavir is a respected god of the Jains. He is invoked for protection against a wide range of barriers and challenges, including epidemics, diseases, fire, invasions, and ghosts. He is revered as a commoner’s guardian and savior.
Ghantakarna Mahavir is one of Svetambara Jainism’s protector deities. He is most closely identified with the Tapa Gaccha monastic lineage. He was a tantrik deity in the Jain religion. A shrine to him can be seen at the Mahudi Jain Temple, which was founded in the nineteenth century by Jain monk Buddhisagar Suri.