Gamha Purnima 2024 in Odisha date, wallpaper
Gamha Purnima will be celebrated on 19th August 2024 (Monday) in Odisha. This Odia festival date is mentioned here. You can check Gamha Purnima’s wallpaper and images below.
Gamha Purnima is also the birthday of Lord Balabhadra. The birth ceremony of Lord Balaram is observed in Puri Jagannath temple. All 6 idols (Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra, Goddess Subhadra, Lord Sudarshan, Bhudebi & Sridebi) on Ratnabedi are bejeweled with gold ornaments.
The term ‘Gamha’ is probably derived from the word ‘Gomata’. According to Hari Bansha Puran, Balaram was born from a cow named Rohini. That’s why on this day cattle are washed clean. They are worshipped, decorated with garlands, and rakhis are tied to the horns. Pancakes are made and served to the cattle.
The Paikas believe that this day is the most favourable for starting new combat techniques. A popular game known as Gamha-Diyan (The Gamha Jump) is played in Paralakhemundi, Nayagarh, Brahmapur, and other areas to celebrate the birthday of Lord Baladeva.