Gahma Purnima 2012 Date
Gahma Purnima 2012
Gahma Purnima festival mainly celebrated in the rural areas of Orissa (Odisha). Gahma Purnima falls on the full moon day in the month of Shravana or August. It is also known as Go Puja, Gomata Puja, Gamha Punei, Baladev Jayanti.
In the Hindu tradition, even the animals and plants that are beneficial to the human beings are worshipped. Thus the cattle or cows are worshipped in Gahma Purnima by farmers. Along with the cattle the God of agriculture ‘Baladeva’ is also worshipped. The religious scriptures testify that ‘Balarama’ invented the plough and showed the people all methods of agriculture. Therefore, bullock is his vehicle and the plough, his weapon. That’s why this festival is also known as “Baladeva Puja” or “Baladeva Jayanti” in some areas. Gahma Purnima 2012 date is August 2.
On this day the cattle shed is cleaned and sketches of bullocks, bullock carts, ploughs and other agricultural implements are drawn on the walls. Bullocks are bathed and decorated with flowers and sandle-paste. The rituals of worship take place in the cattle-shed itself. A piece of new cloth is placed on the back of the bullocks and they are fed with rice-cakes.