Home > Oriya TV Shows > VOICE OF ODISHA 2011 in Tarang Videos

VOICE OF ODISHA 2011 in Tarang Videos

oriya tarang tv channel live
Voice of Odisha


Voice of Odisha is the new singing talent hunt show in Tarang Channel telecasted in 2011, this year. Its auditions took place in various cities of Orissa and now it’s on air. Some memorable episodes of this musical show are given below from youtube videos.

Voice of Odisha 2011 AuditionVoice of Odisha 2011
Voice of Odisha TarangSiddharth – Voice of Odisha – Sei Barsha

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  1. excellent write-up. You have a great opinion on the topic and I’ll be subscribing to your feed and hope you shall post again soon on comparable subjects. But I was curious on what your sources for the write-up are? Thanks a great deal

  2. Hi. Im manash from bangalore. I saa regularly taranga chanel . It has given me great time pass.and i loved it

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