Movie > Oriya Film News > Babusan-Punam new pair in Lovemaster

Babusan-Punam new pair in Lovemaster

Lovemaster Oriya Movie

Babusan-Punam pair in Lovemaster Oriya Movie

We all know that Uttam-Aparajita are producing a new movie – “Love Master” with Babusan, their son in lead. This film has a new and fresh pairing of Babusan and Punam Mishra. Riya Dey also in the film. Chandi Parija is directing it.

We have seen Babushaan and Riya in many films. But Punam Mishra is just one film old. Before she acted in Baishi Pahache Kheliba Mina. Let’s see, how the jodi fairs in Box-Office?

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