Chocolate Vs Mun Premi Mun Pagala on 5th August
Chocolate and Mun Premi Mun Pagala are the two oriya movies which are going to be released on 5th August (tomorrow). Directors of these two films proved themselves before. Director of Chocolate, Sushant Mani has a very solid track record of super hits where as Sudhansu Mohan Sahu, director of Mun Premi Mun Pagala got critical acclaim for his previous film on maoists ‘Swayamsiddha’.
Chocolate has a strong star cast as Babushaan and Archita, two most bankable stars of ollywood in recent times. In case of Mun Premi Mun Pagala, Harihara and Anubha both are new. But, Harihara Dash has a national fan base who came to fame with India’s Got Talent. Till date 16 oriya movies released this year. Let us see what is happening.