Biju Patnaik International Airport to be expanded in Bhubaneswar
The Airports Authority of India (AAI) plans to expand Bhubaneswar’s Biju Patnaik International Airport with construction of another Parallel taxi track on the runway.
This was revealed by AAI chairman Guru Prasad Mohapatra on Friday. “We have plans to build 11 new aircraft bays here at a cost of Rs 100 crore. This will help the airport manage parking of the flights,” Mohapatra said.
There is a proposal to merge both the terminals – T1 and T2 – which will enhance passenger movement and accessibility between both the buildings. “A control tower, fire station and electrical and mechanical facility will be built for the new Air Traffic Control (ATC) of BPIA at a cost of Rs 64.26 crore,” Mohapatra added. Besides, private carrier Air Asia, Malaysia has already submitted the schedule to operate between Bhubaneswar and Kuala Lumpur from April.
“BPIA is fully equipped to carry out international flight operations. The facility will be upgraded with 10 additional bays to enhance taxing,” BPIA Director R Mahalingam said. He said there is a target to complete construction of the Rapid Exit Taxi Track by March 2019.
The Terminal 1 and 2 buildings will be integrated at cost of Rs 12 crore for the convenience of overseas passengers at the airport. The project will be completed by March 2018.
Upgradation will be made in front of Terminal 1 building for passengers for entrance. Besides, a blueprint has been prepared for the Radar, Reciprocal ILS, Advanced-Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS) at the airport.