Home > Odia News > First in Odisha: Transgender gets married to a man in Bhubaneswar

First in Odisha: Transgender gets married to a man in Bhubaneswar

Breaking all barriers and stereotypes, a transgender named Meghana Kinnar got married to a man named Basudev in Bhubaneswar. This kind of wedding is first in Odisha.

“I am very happy today and would like to thank Basudev for taking such a bold step to marry a transgender. People think transgenders can’t get married or embrace motherhood, but I am proving them wrong,” Meghana said, adding that she has the right to get married like any other woman.

Meghana, an MBA degree holder from Utkal University, who was earlier known as Bishnu Sahoo, first met her husband Basudev on Facebook. Gradually, they came to know each other and became romantically involved.

For Meghana, who works as a journalist with a local weekly magazine, this is a life-changing event. Eldest of her father, Jaykrushna Sahu’s three children, she grew up as a boy, before physical and behavioural changes were marked in her.

Bridegroom Basudev, who is in his early 30s, reached the venue with his “baraat” playing music. A wedding feast was also organised on this occasion and the invitees gorged on delicious vegetarian food.

Supervisor with a security agency, Basudev said: “I am happy to have Meghna as my wife. I had first seen her profile on the Facebook and was gradually attracted to her, especially for her work as a social activist.” Basudev’s own life has been full of ups and downs. He has a four-year-old son from his previous marriage. The child will now live with the couple.

All Odisha Kinnar Society president Pratap Sahu said: “Basudev’s first marriage had ended on a tragic note with his wife eloping with another man. He had decided not to marry again but fate willed otherwise.”

Basudev said: “With the blessings of all, I am going to begin a new life. I am confident it will inspire others to transcend gender barriers and accept kinnars as life partners.”

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